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Green Collar Cleaning


We use only environmentally safe, eco-friendly, and truly green cleaning products. Our approved products have the same cleaning potency & capacity as the traditional chemical cocktails. Minus the harmful fumes and adverse health effects. Green Collar Cleaning is a family owned business and we believe in protecting the sanctity of our living environment, our community, and our planet. How we do it: Our cleaning process involves the use of chemical free, green and eco-friendly products enhanced by the proven power of essential oils. Our service will leave your residence or office smelling fresh and not reminiscent of harsh chemicals. We bring modern ideas to dust removal and cleaning. No rope mops, brooms, feather dusters or make it yourself products will be used by our Holistic Home-Techs. Instead of dragging dust and debris around your home, we use a combination of true HEPA filtered vacuums and microfiber cleaning cloths to effectively remove unwanted contaminants from your space. We also offer additional holistic service upgrades such as Purifying Sage Cleansing (smudging medicinal smoke for airspace cleaning and restoring) Fresh botanical delivery via locally owned Rachael's Flowers and Pet Services

P.O. Box 40231, Memphis, United States
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