what is the best roach bait to use
Read Product Label for full details of this product. Redully is a proprietary organic compound and when used as directed can eliminate roaches for up to 1 year* When you order Redully you will receive 6, 12, or 24 biscuit shaped baits that should be placed on top of cabinets and spaces where you have seen roaches in your home. You should avoid placing baits where pets and children can reach. * Results may vary. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION See product label precautionary statements. KILLS: Cockroaches (including carbamate, organo-phosphate and organochlorine resistant strains). FOR USE IN: Garages, Homes, and the non-food/feed areas of Hospitals and Nursing Homes (non-occupied patient areas), Hotels, Motels, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Planes†), Utilities, Warehouses, and other commercial and industrial buildings. † Do not use in aircraft cabins. DIRECTIONS FOR USE IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABELING. Redully® Organic Trucide™ Compound Cockroach Bait is intended for application in places where pests are found. Apply Redully® with plastic gloves on top, under and behind cabinets, refrigerators, and sinks, in attics and crawl spaces. The number of baits to be applied will vary with the site. Concentrate treatment at insect activity sites. The Cockroach Doom Patrol™