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C&A TOWING | Memphis TN

When your car sputters to a stop, leaving you stranded on the side of the road, C&A TOWING | Memphis TN is your knight in shining armor. Their fleet of tow trucks and expert drivers are on call 24/7, ready to get you and your vehicle back to safety quickly and efficiently. Whether it's a flat tire, a dead battery, or a major mechanical issue, C&A Towing handles every situation with professionalism and care. They prioritize both your safety and the well-being of your vehicle, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience during a stressful time.

Memphis Cash for Junk Cars

Memphis Cash for Junk Cars provides junk car recycling services to the Memphis, TN, area .Do you have an old, unwanted vehicle taking up space on your property? Memphis Cash for Junk Cars will put cash in your pocket and haul it away to be recycled. It's a win-win for everyone! Get rid of a pile of junk, get some money, and get your property back to normal again. It can't be more simple. Cars, trucks, SUVs, forklifts, trailers, whatever you have, we'll take it away. Junk car removal in Memphis is our primarily service and that's why we are known as best for our Cash for junk cars Memphis TN

Joshua Akakpo

Native speaker, teacher, translator and interpreter

Periodontal Associates of Memphis

Dr. Mitchel S. Godat and Dr. Grant King of Periodontal Associates of Memphis provide gum disease treatment and related services. The practice was originally formed in 1969 by retired partners Dr. James Ross and Dr. Preston Miller. It is now known to be the oldest group periodontal specialty practice located on Poplar Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee. Periodontal Associates of Memphis provides services to include, soft tissue gum grafting, dental implants, esthetic crown lengthening, functional crown lengthening, sedation dentistry, gum disease, periodontal cosmetic surgery and laser lightening of gums. They also offer LANAP, Alloderm Gum Graft, PinHole Surgical Procedure, Wilckodontics, All on Four and Same Day Teeth.


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