Average cost per click

Average cost per click

average cost per click

While the average cost per click for search was $2.41, many industries paid less for their clicks, including apparel ($1.38), arts & entertainment ($1.47), hobbies & leisure ($1.68), jobs & education ($2.24), real estate ($2.27), retailers & general stores ($2.16), sports & fitness ($1.46), travel & tourism ($1.42), and vehicles ($2.03).

The outlier of them all on the Search Network is law & government because their ad clicks cost the most at $6.35 per click.

Law & government is tied for the most expensive on the GDN as well, right next to finance, costing $0.81 per click. However, most industries have relatively inexpensive CPCs on the Display Network. Apparel, arts & entertainment, and jobs & education, for example, all fall below $0.50 per click.