Title: AcroFestonia 2020
- Event Type:
- GEvent
- Location:
Popi tee
Popi tee, Loone, 79831 Rapla maakond, Estonia - Date And Time:
- Website (Optional):
- https://www.facebook.com/events/472997293573885/permalink/526551554885125/?ref=3&action_history=null
⬇ Scroll down for ENGLISH ⬇ Aeg: 30.07. - 01.08.2021 Koht: Kuusiku talu, Popi tee, Loone küla, Kohila vald, Raplamaa, Eesti Acrofestonia on suurim akrojoogale pühendatud kogunemine Eestis. Siiski on üritus pigem pisike ja mõnusalt hubane. Kodusel taluõuel saavad festivalimelus kokku hoolikalt valitud õpetajad ning tahet täis õpilased, et pidada maha üks vinge nädalavahetuse võimlemispidu! Terve see aeg vaaritavad meisterlikud kokad rikkalikku taimetoitu. Lisaks on avatud kodune gurmee kohvik maailma maitsvaimate maiustustega (seda on öelnud osalised ise!). Igal õhtul saab lõõgastavat sauna. Tulev Festonia on järjekorras kuues. Osalema on oodatud nii algajad kui ka vanad kalad. Sama-aegselt toimuvad töötoad erinevatele tasemetele ja maitsetele. Tulla võib üksi või partneriga. Kui registreerunute hulgas on piisavalt lastega peresid, siis planeerime ka töötube-tegevusi peredele/lastele. ÕPETAJAD (info täienemisel!) CHRIS LOEBSACK & BRIAN DAVIS (USA) Chris Loebsack ja Brian Davis. Chris on üks maailma esimesi sertifitseeritud akrojooga õpetajaid, suure kogemustepagasida ning kirega anatoomia vastu. Nad mõlemad koolitavad õpetajaid ja on igal muul moel aktiivsed. Lühike õpetajate tutvustus inglise keeles on allpool. Loe kindlasti nende kohta rohkem Chrisi joogastuudio kodulehelt, siis saad teada, miks me neid nii väga juba Eestisse ootame: https://www.boundlessyogastudio.com/chris-loebsack-owner-e-ryt-500.html NATALIA & JOSHUA Natalia ja Joshua kohtusid 27. jaanuaril 2016. aastal. Nende sõnul oli see armastus esimesest akrost. Sellest ajast peale on nad koos treeninud ja õpetanud. Ka Eestis on nad kahel korral õpetamas käinud. Loe Natalia ja Joshua inglisekeelset tutvustust allpool. Nende moto on teha akrojooga tegemine meeldivaks ja mugavaks. Natalia ja Joshua õpetavad Acrofestonial loovtöötubasid. JOE & MEITAL Joe elab Tel Avivis, kuid on pärit Ameerikast. Läbi jooga jõudis ta akrojoogani, millest sai väga kiiresti tema kirg. Akrojoogas keskendub ta icarian visetele (aga ka püstisele akrobaatikale ja muule). Hetkel on ta üks tunnustatumatest õpetajatest Iisraelis, kes õpetab icarian poppe. Joe on konto "Best Of Icarian” looja (instagramis ja facebookis). Meital on õppinud Carampa tsirkusekoolis Madridis, lisaks on ta sertifitseeritud jooga ja akrojooga õpetaja. Talle meeldivad akrojoogas dünaamilised liikumised, h2h, visked aga ka püstine akrobaatika. Loe Joe ja Meitali kohta nende oma kirjutatud tutvustust inglise keeles allpool ja jälgi neid sotsiaalmeedias: Joe: https://www.instagram.com/jo_acro123/ https://www.facebook.com/joeacro123 https://www.instagram.com/bestoficarian/ Meital: https://www.instagram.com/tattooedflyer/ https://www.facebook.com/meital.rotshvalb VELLO VAHER Vello Vaher on mitmekülgne tsirkuseartist ja akrobaatikatreener, kes ühendab oma ōpetustes erinevaid stiile: jooga, breiktants, vōimlemine, tsirkus, akrobaatika. Ta on aukartustäratava kogemustepagasiga oma ala proff, kes on alates 1987 aastast akrobaatikat õpetanud erinevates stuudiotes, spordiklubides ja teatrikoolides. Vello on loonud beebivōimlemise süsteemi ja avaldanud selle kohta 2 raamatut: 1991 aastal “Harjutusi väikelastega” ning 2002 aastal “Võimlemine väikelastega”. Koos oma perega on Vello esinenud rändtsirkustes Horvaatias, Sloveenias, Itaalias, Hispaanias, Portugalis ja Marokos ajaliselt kokku 3 aastat. Kuid kōige tähtsamaks peab ta 2016. aastal osalemist telesaates "Americas Got Talent", kus ta jōudis veerandfinaali 36 parema hulka. ASUKOHT Kuusiku talu asub umbes 35 km Tallinnast. Peamaja on traditsiooniline rehielamu, ehitatud 1892.aastal. Lisaks on hoovis ait, küün, suveköök, Akropol ja valimimas ka kahekordne savikrohviga pilliroomaja. Talu asub looduskaunis kohas metsaserval, ümberringi on palju niite, põlde, puid, põõsaid ja kaugemal mõned üksikud majapidamised. HINNAD (sisaldavad toidukordi, töötube ning telkimiskohta): 140 € (10 esimest registreerujat) - MÜÜDUD! 160 € (kuni 29.veebruar) - LÄINUD! 180 € (1.märts - 30.aprill) 200 € (1.mai - 30. juuni) 220 € (alates 1.juuli) Lastepilet 25 € (vanuses 5-15 aastat) Alla 5 aastased lapsed saavad festivalile tasuta, üle 15 aastastele lastele kehtib täiskasvanu pilet. Koha kinnitab tagastamatu registreerimistasu ülekandmine (25 eurot). REGISTREERUMINE & INFO: [email protected] Kristin 53302167 Silver 53583038 --------------------------ENGLISH----------------------------------- Time: 30.07. - 01.08.2021 Place: Kuusiku talu, Popi tee, Loone küla, Kohila vald, Raplamaa, Estonia Acrofestonia is an event dedicated to the practice of Acroyoga. Although, it is the biggest of it's kind in Estonia, the festival still has an intimate and cozy feel to it. In a homely environment we bring together carefully selected teachers and enthusiastic students to create a splendid weekend-party filled with (e)motion(s). Our masterchefs prepare 3 rich and filling vegetarian meals per day, In addition, we have a gourmet cafe with the worlds best home-made delights (participants have said!). A hot sauna for your sore muscles will be heated up every evening. It will be the 6th edition of Festonia. You can come alone or with a partner. Beginners and experienced practitioners are all welcome - we will have simultaneous workshops for different levels and tastes. (If enough families with children sign up we will have special activities/workshops for the little ones.) TEACHERS (will be updated!) CHRIS LOEBSACK (US) Chris Loebsack (ERYT 500, Thai Bodyworker, AcroYoga(R) Educator & Owner of Boundless Yoga llc) She fell in love with yoga in the early 90's and began teaching in 2003. Chris uses the power of yoga to create a space for students that cultivates trust, playfulness and Divine connection with themselves and with the community. Living by her mantra, Clarity, Integrity and Love, she draws upon her partner yoga and acroyoga practices to share the healing power of touch and safe intimacy. A passion for discovering subtlety in movement has lead Chris to deepen her education with the Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers® kinesiology program. Her playful yet focused classes are filled with user friendly gems of applied anatomy leaving students with a greater understanding of how to find comfort and space in their bodies and smiles beaming across their faces. She encourages teachers to set a higher standard of excellence through knowledge and has become a valuable mentor to many upcoming yoga educators. More about Chris: https://www.boundlessyogastudio.com/chris-loebsack-owner-e-ryt-500.html BRIAN DAVIS (US) Brian M Davis (500 ERYT, YACEP, Teacher Trainer and Author) Brian began exploring yoga as a form of rehabilitation after a serious injury in 2003. He received his yoga teacher certification in 2009 and discovered AcroYoga around the same time. At first, he would try to recreate the photos he found in books and then discovered the pleasure of learning in a group setting with a collection of like-minded friends. The interplay of personal challenge, group dynamics, trust and collective growth keep him engaged in the AcroYoga practice. More about Brian: https://www.boundlessyogastudio.com/brian-m-davis-eryt-500.html NATALIA & JOSHUA Natalia & Joshua met on the 27th of January 2016, it was love at first acro. Since then they have cultivated an acro practice that focuses on: in depth technical analysis and understanding of the acro system, mindful and controlled movement with emphasis on smooth execution and impeccable technique. What does all this mean? It means they make acro feel good, and believe it is not an exercise in strength, rather an exercise in effortlessness. Natalia and Joshua will bring creative process back to Acrofestonia. JOE & MEITAL Joe currently living in Tel Aviv, is originally from the United States. 5 years ago, he stumbled upon Yoga, which led to Acro Yoga and it quickly became his PASSION. Joe focuses strongly on icarian, and also practices all kinds Standing acrobatics & L-Basing. Joe has become one of the leaders of ICARIAN in Israel, teaching an advanced icarian group, workshops, and icarian privates. Joe is an expert at breaking down difficult skills into progressions to help build skills to completion. https://www.instagram.com/jo_acro123/ https://www.facebook.com/joeacro123 Joe also is the founder of the “Best Of Icarian” Facebook and Instagram Pages, which collects the best pops from around the world. (https://www.instagram.com/bestoficarian/) Meital is an acro teacher from Haifa, Israel. She studied in Carampa circus school in Madrid and is a certified acro yoga and yoga instructor. She practices all disciplines in acro including flows, Icarian pops, h2h and standing Dynamics. Meital is set on sharing this joyous practice and is very passionate about teaching, analyzing and breaking complicated skills into easy to understand moves. https://www.instagram.com/tattooedflyer/ https://www.facebook.com/meital.rotshvalb VELLO VAHER (EST) Vello Vaher is a versatile circus artist, contortionist and acrobatics trainer with a tremendous amount of experience in his field. He's been teaching acrobatics since 1987 in various studios, sports clubs and theater schools. In his classes he likes to combine different styles: yoga, break dance, gymnastics, circus, acrobatics. Vello has developed an infant gymnastic system "Acrobabypower",a subject on which he has published two books in Estonian. Together with his family, Vello has performed in touring circuses in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Morocco for a total of 3 years. He considers his biggest achievement participating in "Americas Got Talent" show in 2016, where he reached the top 36 in the quarterfinals. THE VENUE Kuusiku cottage is located in Raplamaa county, about 35km from Tallinn. It is a traditional old Estonian farm complex built in 1892. In addition to the main house, there is a barn, warehouse, summerkitchen, Acropolis and a big reed house in process of building. Kuusiku is in a picturesque landscape surrounded by wild nature, fields, forests and a few other households in the distance. PRICES (including the meals, workshops and a camping spot) 140 € (the first 10 to sign up) - SOLD! 160 € (until the 29th of February) - GONE! 180 € (1st of March - 30th of April) 200 € (1st of May - 30th of June) 220 € (from 1st of July) Children' s ticket 25 € (5-15 years old children) Children under the age of 5 years can participate for free, over 15 years old children have to pay the full price. To confirm your spot and price there is a 25 euro booking fee which will not be refunded when canceled. INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION [email protected] Kristin 53302167 Silver 53583038