Mental Math
This learning app for kids comes from Teachbasix – creators of many learning apps for 3-8 year old kids to hone their reading ability and basic number concepts
Mental Math
This learning app for kids comes from Teachbasix – creators of many learning apps for 3-8 year old kids to hone their reading ability and basic number concepts. In this app, students can practice double-digit addition-subtraction, with carryover/borrow and without carryover/borrow. The place-value method is used for guiding the student through each sum – as a result number concepts become strengthened and students acquire the ability to do these sums mentally.Students are aided by the familiar stick-cube (tens and ones) process that they used in our Place Value app. This app can aid self-learning through the HELP button – when pressed, it shows an animation to demonstrate the addition or subtraction process through the use of place-value system. This learning app is good for classroom usage as well as math practices at home. You can monitor the progress of your child (or if you are a teacher, you can monitor the progress of your class), using the accuracy and average time taken metric given in the scorecard. The badge system (silver, gold, platinum) provides a quick preview of your child’s progress.This app is nominally priced. We believe an ad-free experience is imperative for your child to focus without any distraction.